Resources: Online Bible Study Websites

This post is for lay preachers or anyone teaching kids at Church a Bible story.

My experience is that a 20-minute lesson is the culmination of about 10-15 hours of study. That’s right. For every 2 minutes I speak, I put in about an hour of work during the week. You might think that I am probably ridiculous but I want what I say to be both interesting and accurate so I take the time to get it right.

I believe part of being a great teacher is being a great student. That means putting in the study to get the results you want.

But I’d like to save you some work.

In particular, I’d like to share with you some websites that I look to for insight as I prepare for my teachings at church. Now I am sure that these websites are not perfect, and they probably have information that you may disagree with. My purpose here is not to tell you these sites are perfect. I’m sure they are not. What I suggest is that these websites have been helpful for me, and perhaps they will be helpful for you as well.

I would welcome suggestions from you as well. You are welcome to email it to me or put them in the comments. My email:

So, let me start with the list, in no particular order:


I am looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.

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